I mean that pisses me off so much I don't even have anything else to say.
No wait, here is a list of all of things off the top of my head that are wrong with TESO
$60 price tag: So yeah, even the FF14 cash grab reboot is $30 (CE is currently priced at $50 on amazon). Overpriced pieces of crap devoid of a soul cost money to develop, I get it. Back when Diablo 2 came out, Blizz pushed to price of games to $60 and the market was able to bare it. However, Diablo 2 allowed me to play single player and online (on my own server) for the $60. That price is just too high for a game with a sub (and always was too high, we're just sheeple).
$15 monthly fee: I understand that running a crapload of servers ain't cheap. But considering that hardware gets better, faster and cheaper to make, it seems like $15 is only thrown out there because that's what we as sheeple have grown to accept (Ala WoW, and maybe one other game before WoW). TONS of games to this date release free content updates. Ok maybe not tons, but you know, good ones do. Now, if that $15 also included all major content updates for "free" (Read expansions), then it would be easier for me to swallow.
Ambiguous cash shop: WoW has a sub and a cash shop for "fun stuff". Except, the cash shop came later as a way to milk long time fans. A cash shop from the get go is equivalent to Day 1 DLC (one of the carnal sins of game design). Also, I heard a rumor that there's Day 1 DLC.
Imperials got cash like Woah: Seriously, $100 to play as an Imperial? I mean if I were to ever play this game this would not directly affect me, because the thought of playing a plain vanilla ::shudder:: human when I could be a catmandu, a lizard face or a sand person drow....well the thought already made me shudder but you get the idea. Also, if I were forced to play a puny human, I'd be a black guy, which is a race.
Oh, how about that, my list included all of the items in my earlier rant. I'm sorry, I really thought I had more.
tldr: !
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